Strongest USP

Our Strongest USP

The USP of our program is that, it is a unique training program which is a combination of outbound (games and activities) and close sections (PPT & role plays) which has a life long strong impact on participants, and we train them in such a way, that the particpants can become future leaders to their team members as they grow.

We believe in training with ornamenting real life situations which are regular in each person's day to day scenarios. Therefore we follow the motto "Less Lecture, More Action!" Each module is covered with extensive

- Group Discussions

- Role plays

- Activities - Games

- Audio Visuals

- Problem Solving Techniques

- PPT (Powerpoint Presentation)

If a certain company requires us to follow their training module, we grasp at a rapid pace, train within the time limit covering all topics in detail.

We are very strong in our communication which engenders us with knowledge of the corporate world's mechanism. We also train using our personal training modules as per the client's requirement. More over we are comfortable traveling to any destination.

Our Aim

Our Aim

Expert at Modules:


Personal Introduction

Personality Development - Presentation - Dress Code -
Business Grooming Etiquettes

Communication - Written correspondence, Telephone & Email Etiquettes

Sales & Marketing

Negotiation Skills

Team Building


Presentation Skills

Time Management

Stress Management

Customer Interaction Pattern

Customer Care

Self Motivation, Enthusiasm & Self Esteem

Goal Setting

Job Success, Prosperity, Creativity, Interview Skills

Induction Program - (Campus to Corporate for freshers)

Voice & Accent

Interview Skills

Campus to Corporate Induction Training

Campus to Corporate Induction Training